Man holding a blank registration plate

Can I Sell My Car With a Private Registration Plate?

If you have one of 4.5 million cars in the UK with a personalised registration plate and are looking to sell, then you’re not alone. As that staggering stat indicates, there is a huge market for personalised reg plates in this country, but what happens when you eventually want to sell your car? Are there any extra steps that need to be taken?

Well, as it turns out - yes, there is, but fear not because we’re going to walk through everything you need to know in order to get your car sold in no time regardless of having a personalised reg plate. 

Why do we get personalised reg plates on our cars?

  • Things to consider when selling your car with a personalised reg plate
  • Sell your car easier than ever before
  • Frequently asked questions

Why do we get private plates on our cars?

If you’re looking to sell your car with a private plate, it can be a tricky decision to come to. That’s because there are many reasons as to why people fork out for these private plates in the first place. 

1. Your driving lifestyle and personality

For a lot of people, their car is an extension of their identity, the choices they make are a reflection of their personal style and a private plate is a great way to express this. Some people often include parts of their name, initials or date of birth.

2. Private plates can be memorable 

Standing out as they do amongst usual number plates, some people buy private plates to gain a more memorable appearance on the road. This can be especially advantageous for businesses or those who want to promote a brand or make a more lasting impression. 

3. A private plate can be a good investment opportunity 

Personalised number plates can appreciate in value over time, and so many people purchase them as a simple investment with the hope that it will increase in the future and allow them to sell it at a profit. 

4. Spark a conversation on the road

We’ve all seen at least a few memorable or humorous reg plates whilst on the road. They can inspire all kinds of reactions from observers, from eye-rolls to laughter, and everything in between. When you’re on your second hour down the M25, even just a couple of well-placed numbers and letters can bring a smile to your face. 

What should you consider before selling your car with a private plate?

Now we know the reasons why people have private plates on their cars, what should you consider before making the move to sell it? 

To keep or not to keep your private plate

According to the website, you can apply to take a private number plate off your car if you want to keep it for later use or assign it to another vehicle. The original reg number will be reassigned automatically once the private plate is removed, and if you’re successful you’ll be sent a V778 retention document and a new V5C log book. 

To be legible to remove your private plate, your car must comply with the following criteria:

  • Be DVLA registered
  • Move under its own power
  • Be suitable for MOT
  • Be available for inspection
  • Be taxed or had a SORN in place for the past 5 years

How to apply for a private plate removal

This can be done online or by post and costs £80. The online service is useful as you can reassign the number to another vehicle as soon as you’ve applied for its removal. 

However, by post it’s a little more complicated. You must send the following to the DVLA:

  • A V317 (transfer or retain a vehicle reg number) form
  • The vehicle’s log book (V5C) or ‘new keeper’ slip with a completed V62 application
  • The £80 transfer fee

Selling your car alongside the private plate 

If you want to skip all that legwork and want to sell your car with the private plate attached, this is also possible. As mentioned, many people buy personalised number plates for the sole purpose of increasing profit later on, so when it comes to eventually selling, you can include the price of the plate as part of the total sum of the car. 

Some drawbacks of selling your car with a private plate

Although it can be a great source of extra profit if you sell your car alongside its private plate, there are also disadvantages to consider. 

1. Limits your target market

While your private plate may attract considerable attention from some, it may actually deter just as many people who don’t see it as an attractive feature or who simply don’t have the same attachment to it that you do. This could potentially limit the number of people who may want to buy, resulting in a longer selling process or even a lower selling point. 

2. Administrative processes

As we’ve discussed, there are some additional steps and fees involved when it comes to selling your car with a private plate. If you’re not interested in any of the paperwork that comes with it, selling may not be the best idea. 

Sell your car easier than ever before - private plate or not

Are you looking for a quick sale on your car but have a personalised registration plate? Does the tedium of it all look like too much? Then, have we got the answer for you!

Sell 2 Swansway offers a seamless and convenient way to sell your car. In fact, you can get your car valued right now without even leaving your couch! 

With our quick and simple car valuation tool, you can get a fair quote for your car guaranteed for 7 days. No rush, no pressure, and we’ll even collect the car straight from your drive. 

Embrace the most convenient way to sell your car with Sell 2 Swansway today, get started now!



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