family sat in the boot of a motability car
Motability 07/02/2023

New Vehicle Payment Increase

The New Vehicle Payment is increasing from the end of February 2023.

Great news for New Motability customers who will receive an increased payment at the end of the month

In February 2022 Motability introduced a New Vehicle Payment of £250 for Car and Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) customers. From the end of February 2023, this New Vehicle Payment is being increased to £750.

If you are a Motability customer that has already received the £250 NVP, don’t worry, you won’t miss out. You will receive an extra £500 to bring your total NVP to £750. This money will start to be paid from the beginning of March 2023.

The fastest way to receive this payment is by ensuring your online account is set up with your bank details in so that a bank transfer can be made.

If you don’t have an online account yet, you can set one up here.

If Motability don’t have your bank details, they will send you a cheque instead. Please allow a few weeks for the cheque to arrive via post.

As the shortage of new cars continues across the world, we are seeing the price of vehicles increase across both the new and used vehicle markets. Motability as a business are choosing to reinvest their money to help customers with affordability. This includes investments in the pricing of their new vehicles to help keep leases and Advance Payments as low as possible, and increasing the New Vehicle Payment to £750 so that customers can make the most of their new vehicle.

If you have any questions regarding the New Vehicle Payment, or anything Motability related, please do get in touch with your nearest Swansway Motability Dealership.

Who can receive this payment?

  • New-to-scheme customers who order of get their new vehicle before the end of 2023
  • Existing scheme customers with a live agreement on 31st December 2021



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